Greetings from the Land of Enchantment: Good Day Sunshine

Monday, November 06, 2006

Good Day Sunshine

I was out in the BLM lands this morning with my dog, Vinnie. He loves it out there. I love it, too. Watching him run with such abandon! The full moon was setting as the sun was rising and as we continued our walk through the arroyo, there was a moment when the sun rose and hit the sandbed formations--magical. The light created so much depth and shadow yet at the same time a sense of illumination from within. The rock came alive, along with the wild bunch grass that has turned a honey gold and the leaves on the one cottonwood tree there in the wilderness.

I look forward to the day that I live right on the edge of the BLM so that I can just walk out my back door! Until then, Vinnie has trained himself to the routine of jumping in the car and heading out.

My friend and I celebrated her birthday yesterday at 10,000 Waves, this beautiful Japanese spa in Santa Fe. Very relaxing and tranquil setting. I like it there almost more than Ojo, but it's a bit more expensive. They serve cucumber water! Delicious.

Speaking of cucumbers; here's a lassi recipe for you:

Juice of one cucumber
3-5 tablespoons of greek yogurt
salt and pepper
dash of rose water

Blend and enjoy!


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