Greetings from the Land of Enchantment: Trying something new

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Trying something new

Well, this weekend was the weekend of new things.

1. Went to an African Dance class for the first time here. Great fun. My legs were like jello by the end of the class, but it was exactly what I needed to get moving.

2. Took our dog for a walk in the hills. Faced my fear about getting lost and went for it. It was great to be out there by myself with Bear (aka Vinnie) and the sky and the undulating land. You can really feel and see the world as O'keefe saw it when you're out there alone. As if the land were a warm, verdant, human being lying down for a nap.

3. Went to a Solstice gathering at a local Kiva. Amazing space. Amazing ceremony. I want to build one of my own. You really feel like you're in the womb of the world. The beginning of creation. As the different dancers came up and down the ladder, I imagined them as the beings ascending and descending on the stair of life. There was the goddess holding the two-feathered fan representing the duality that is the world. There were the "coyote" medicine men who made tiny noises like fenches that spoke of the world before language. There were the great masked dancers--dancing the world into being. My only regret is not staying until the end. But still, a blessing to have been in the space.

Lovely weekend and a welcome portent to the coming new year.


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